Articles (in English)
—Authored by Dr. Wang Xuefu
Wang, X. (2019a). The symbol of the iron house: From survivalism to existentialism. In L. Hoffman, M. Yang, M. Mansilla, J. Dias, M. Moats, & T. Claypool (Eds.), Existential psychology east-west (Vol. 2; pp. 3-16). University Professors Press.
Wang, X. (2019b). An east-west dialogue: An outline of existential therapy development in China and related Asian countries. In E. van Deurzen, E. Craig, A. Längle, K. J. Schneider, D. Tantum, & S. du Plock (Eds.), The Wiley world handbook of existential therapy (pp. 579-591). Wiley.
Wang, X. (2019c). Spiritual warrior in search of meaning: An existential view of Lu Xun through his life incidences and analogies. In L. Hoffman, M. Yang, F. J. Kaklauskas, & A. Chan (Eds.), Existential psychology east-west (Vol. 1; pp. 167-180). University of the Rockies Press.
Wang, X. (2016). Zhi Mian: Approaching healing/therapy through facing reality: A Chinese approach to existential thinking and practice. Journal of The Society for Existential Analysis (pp. 4-15).
Wang, X. (2012). On becoming a religious therapist in Chinese culture. Pastoral Psychology (Vol. 61; pp. 1007-1024). Springer.
Wang, X. (2011). Zhi Mian and existential psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist, 39, 240-246.
Wang, X. (1989). Xia Yu and Jesus: A comparison. Chinese Theological Review.
Research Papers on Zhi Mian Therapy (in English)
Al Dueck. Existential Psychology with a Chinese Face.
Louis Hoffman. Zhi Mian: Facing Life as It Is.
Louise Sundararajan. A Review on Zhi Mian and Lu Xun.
Yixun Zhu M.L. The Healing Use of Metaphors in Zhimian Therapy.
Yixun Zhu M.L. & Xuefu Wang Ph.D. Zhi Mian Therapy: Key Features and its Distinction from Western Existential Therapy.
Books (in Chinese)
—Authored by Dr. Wang Xuefu
Therapist: A Pursuer of Cultural Enlightenment
(2024, March)
The Voice of Zhi Mian: Toward a Chinese Indigenous Approach to Psychotherapy (2024, March)
Sing a Song for
a Broken Heart
(2021, May)
Zhi Mian Psychology: Plumbing the Mysteries of the Human Soul
(2021, May)
Thus Spoke the Zhi Mian Healer
(2018, July)
Psychology in Life
(2018, July)
Becoming Yourself
(2014, June)
A Heart to Heal
(2011, March)
The Wounded
(2010, March)
A Path to Growth
(2010, March)
Creation-Growth Model of
Pastoral Counseling
(2010, November)
Flowers of a Time Gone by
(2008, December)
An Oasis Shrouded in the Mist: The Complex of Modern Chinese Literature and Christian Culture
(1996, April)